Sommelier Corkscrew
Sommelier Corkscrew
The classic french waiters wine bottle and drinks cap opener.
Also called the 'Tire-bouchon pour sommelier'
J. Glinert Guide how to use a corkscrew:
1. Cut off the upper part of the bottle cap with the blade on or below the knuckle (never above).
2. Turn the corkscrew through the middle of the cork but be careful not to pierce the bottom of the cork.
3. Draw the the cork vertically by levering against the neck and holdingthe lever position with your hand.
Made in France
Brush steel with brass screws
11.2 x 2 x 1cm
20 x 9 x 1cm
Presented in a printed card box
12 x 2.6 x 1.3cm
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